
St. Eliz hosted a Community Meeting for Public Safety and Other Concerns

February 25, 2010- St. Elizabeth hosted a meeting for the community , police department and city officials on public safety and other issues that affect the community. The meeting was facilitated by Council member Scott Matas and Social Juctice Committee of DHS head and Pastoral Council Chair of St. Eliz Francisco Camacho. Present during the meeting were Council members Jean Pye, Russel Bates and Karl Baker. Police Department was represented by Officer Tapia.


Donate Easter Lilies for Altar Decor on Easter Sunday

The Decoration committee needs lilies to decorate our Altar on Easter Sunday. You may donate $ 10.00 for the purchase of a lily in honor of your departed loved one. You may also offer it for the intention of someone who is sick. Please give your donation at the Parish office.

Lenten Altar Decoration 2010

We thank the Decoration Committee headed by Salud Becerill for the beautiful altar decoration for the season of Lent.


Diocesan Development Plan 2010

This Sunday we continue our introduction for this year's Diocesan Development Fund Campaign. Last Sunday we viewed the video of the Bishop's telling us about the importance of the DDF in the life of our Diocese. So far, we already have $ 5,590 pledges made and $ 1, 924.00 was sent to the Diocese. Our Diocesan goal this year is $ 30,300 and our parish goal in order for us to benefit from what we have given is $ 39,000.00. It is my hope that you have prayed about this campaign and determine for yourself how much you can give. Today, I would like to ask you to make a pledge just in case you have not written one yet . The ushers will pass the pens just in case you need one and afterwards will collect the pledge cards.

Este domingo continuamos nuestra introducción para la campana Fondo de Desarrollo Diocesano. El domingo pasado vimos el vídeo de nuestros Obispos diciendo nos de la importancia del FDD in la vida de nuestra Diócesis. A la fecha, ya tenemos $ 5, 590 en promesas y $ 1, 924 fue la cantidad que le mandamos a la Diócesis. Nuestra meta Diocesana este ano es $ 30, 300 y para que tengamos el beneficio de lo que hemos dado, la meta de nuestra parroquia es $ 39,000. Tengo esperanza que hayan orado por de esta campana y hayan determinado por ustedes mismos cuanto pueden dar. Hoy me gustaría que hicieren una promesa en caso de que no la hayan escrito todavía. Los ujieres les pasaran plumas en caso de que las necesiten y después recolectaran las tarjetas de promesa.
I encourage you to participate in this campaign and show your support to our Church. This is a concrete way of saying that you are part of this community and you care for this community.
Los animo a que participen en esta campana y muestren su apoyo a nuestra iglesia. Esta es una forma concreta de decir que a ustedes son parte de esta comunidad y que les interesa esta comunidad.

You may give a one time gift or you may make a pledge and fulfill it within the year. If you are giving a one time gift, please consider to be generous. We have said it many times that God sees the desire of our heart and how much we give priority to him. I know that most of us are hard up financially and we want to put our money in things that are really important to us. It is my prayer that you consider the church as important to you.

Pueden dar un solo obsequio o pueden hacer una promesa y cumplirla durante el ano. Si están donando un solo obsequio, por favor consideren ser generosos. Hemos dicho muchas veces que Dios ve el deseo de nuestro corazón y que nota la prioridad que le damos. Se que muchos de nosotros tenemos finanzas duras y que queremos poner nuestro dinero en cosas que realmente nos importan. Es mi oración que consideren ustedes a la iglesia igual de importante.

If we make a rough estimate of our contribution, we can say that if we have at least 3,000 individuals who will give 10 dollars each, then we already have 30,000. But I believe we are more than 3,000.00 here and I believe some can give more than 10 dollars. This challenge is for all, young or old. The youth can also help by giving something. We do not have to be old in order to give.

Si hacemos un borrador de estimación de nuestra contribución, podemos decir que si a lo menos tres mil individuos darán diez dólares cada uno, entonces ya tenemos treinta mil dólares. Pero creo que somos mas de tres mil aquí y creo que algunos pueden dar mas de diez dólares. Este reto es para todos, jóvenes y viejos. La juventud también puede ayudar dando algo. No es necesario que seamos viejos para donar.

This is what we call Sacrificial giving. It is a sacrifice because in order to give, we have to give up something. But giving up something becomes meaningful when we consider it as a sacrifice. Christ gave up his life as a sacrifice and because of that, his dying is meaningful to us. Your giving to the Church becomes meaningful when you know that you are sacrificing something so that you can give. But your sacrifice is meaningful to God.

Esto es lo que llamamos donación en sacrificio. Es un sacrificio porque para poder dar, tenemos que dejar de tener algo. Pero el dejar de tener algo tiene mas significado al considerarlo como sacrificio. Cristo dio su vida como sacrificio y por eso es que su muerte es algo significativo para nos ostros. Su donación a la iglesia tiene mas significado cuando saben que están sacrificando algo para poder dar. Pero su sacrifico tienen significado para Dios.

When you write your pledge and you put your card or your donation in the basket, consider it as the sacrifice that you are offering because of your love for God. Ask yourself how much you love God and how much you are willing to give up in order to show that love.

Cuando escriban su promesa y la pongan su tarjeta o su donación en la canasta, consideren esto como un sacrificio que ofrecen por el amor a Dios. Pregunten se cuanto aman a Dios y cuanto están dispuestos a dar para mostrar su amor.